Last weekend I was lucky to be able to take some photos at the inaugural Ironman 70.3 Sunshine Coast. Here are some pics:
A slow shutter speed pic of one of the women's divisions starts - into the Coral Sea at Mooloolaba

Veteran Japanese triathlete Kiyomi Niwata, who went on to place second in the Women's elite professional devision

Gasping for air after a 1.9k swim

A triathlete with a disability receives assistance from the volunteers

The emphatic thumbs-up after the 1.9k swim

The typically enthusiastic & nice volunteers were keen for a pic

Thanks for saying Hi!

Putting the effort in

Let's go running

Women's Professional division winner, Kiwi Gina Crawford

Close up

Refreshing water - aaaahh!


Spiderman is here


To finish, the nice love heart icon from Michelle Cooper

Here's my main portfolio gallery on the first Ironman 70.3 Sunshine Coast.
Here's my extra gallery of additional UN-Edited images on the 2013 Ironman 70.3 Sunshine Coast.
Thanks so much for looking.