Early on Sunday morning, 1 September 2013, I had a great time snapping pics at the 2013 Sunday Mail Suncorp Bridge to Brisbane Fun Run. It was great to see all the athleticism, colour, costumes, happiness, and willingness to donate to charity. Here are some pics:
Athlete with a disability doing a great job near the finish

A high finisher with time for a thumbs-up and a smile

Queensland Premier Campbell Newman having done very well.

I need that refreshing water

Running in a suit - all in a morning's work

Let the costimes begin

Another great job by the helpers at the aid station

The smile of the morning

Like a Boss

Helping Miracles

Let's finish on some bright colours

Here's my main portfolio gallery on the 2013 Bridge to Brisbane Fun Run.
Here's a second gallery of extra UN-Edited images on the 2013 Bridge to Brisbane Fun Run.
Thanks for looking.
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