Yep, it has just been one of my favourite times of year again - Noosa Triathlon time. Despite traffic jams causing my shuttle bus to be late, I had an enjoyable time and it was also great to catch up with Tim Mullaly from expressive who was supporting Lewis Greenhalgh who was competing (rather than 'demo'ing'). Ok, some pics:
Women's winner for the second time, Ashleigh Gentle, at the swim exit (where I had been late)


Swim Exit, entering T1

Some of the many Smiling for Smiddy team members

Swim exit super-close-up

Liz Blatchford, who came a nice fourth only 2 weeks after the exhausting Kona Hawaii Ironman event

Australia's entire 2014 Commonwealth Games team of Ryan Bailie, Dan Wilson and Aaron Royle battle hard for 1st, 2nd and 3rd

Brad Kahlefeldt ("Sticksy")

Ashleigh Gentle heading for the win

Ultra talented Canadian triathlete Paula Findlay, on the comeback trail, and heading for 2nd place

Felicity Sheedy Ryan

Interesting nutrition / fuel source during the bike leg

Evergreen Markus Hanley, still completing at ~ 82 years of age, in the bike leg

Support - "Go Megan, So Proud of You"

Nice leap for the camera in the run leg

In closing, I just want to say a big thank you to this many people on the run leg who provided a wave, smile or thumbs-up. Brilliant work!

Here's my photo gallery on the 2014 Noosa Triathlon.
Thanks so much for looking.
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