I'm creating this blog post up to first draft stage, at least, as early as possible, to allow the search engine machinations to commence.
For the 10th time in succession, I enjoyed taking some personal happy snaps at the 2017 Noosa Triathlon. It was very impressive to see Ashleigh Gentle win the women's event for the fourth time in a row, and the fifth time in total! Wow! It was also good to see young Jake Bertwhistle win the men's event after placing second and third in the previous two years.
Some early pics (I'll be processing ~ 1000 more over the next week)
Swim Exit

Another wave / cohort make as a splashy start (under the close watch of photographer Delly Carr too)

VSCO Film Preset: "C - Kodak Gold 100 +++

Speed Blur / Pan of some hydration early in the bike leg

Inspirational as always to see a triathlete with a disability working closely with his assistance triathlete

Let's go running - Run Leg

Later in the morning I, like the triathletes and runners, needed some shade, so I ended up at Noosaville. Thanks for the smiles and greetings people! :)

Portfolio Gallery on the 2017 Noosa Triathlon (finished): https://disci.smugmug.com/Sports/Triathlons/2017-Noosa-Triathlon-Portfolio-Gallery-Visit-Noosa/
Unedited additional gallery on the 2017 Noosa Triathlon (~2500 photos): https://disci.smugmug.com/Sports/Triathlons/2017-Noosa-Triathlon-Sunshine-Coast-noedit/
Thanks so much for looking!